Fanfic Crew..;
Thank You ;
Pictures; Weheartit and Tumblr.
Basecode By; Ken
Skin By; Kai
1. CREW page - Visit the crew page to see the new and equally artistic members of the second generation.
2. Rules and Regulations - Since your last visit, we have evaluated the previous rules. We've amended it and added some new ones. Reread everything.
2.1 General Password - Everybody always gets this wrong. If you read the rules carefully, you will notice that we've thrown in misleading passwords. That is to make sure you read until the very last of the rules. But maybe you got confused. Take note of this. We are looking for the general password. GENERAL, other than that, you got the password wrong.
3. Hang Out - we've provided a chatroom where all members can let out everything. But visitors who wanted to say something or clarify anything or just wanna hang-out with the crew, feel free to do so.